People We Meet on Vacation

People We Meet on Vacation, by Emily Henry, was a bit of a surprise for me. Given the title, I thought that I was getting into a travel novel and one wherein the protagonist, Poppy, meets a variety of different people… hence the name. But it was actually a bit more clever than that and I give the author credit for the switch. People We Meet on Vacation is much more of a romance than a travel novel. Instead of meeting different people, Poppy details her various trips over the years with her best friend, Alex. It is a very well-written book and I admire the pacing, which is excellent. The book has some humor as well as the more serious business of love and finding yourself. My only critique is that I had a hard time getting into the first two chapters. Once I got to chapter three and understood who all the characters were then everything made sense. But up to then, it was a tad confusing.

Still, well worth picking up a copy.

Score: 4.5/5



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