History Ramble: The President and the Press


Normally I script my shows. But that doesn’t work for every topic. For narrative history, sure, scripting is fine but if I want to talk about a topic and just have fun with it, notes are easier. Messier, but easier. So forgive me for this one, I’m calling it a “History Ramble” for a reason.

The United States Presidency and the press have a fraught relationship, to say the least. But how much of that is a modern phenomenon versus a historic one? I wanted to dig into that question here. I chose to focus on three Presidents, John Adams, Abraham Lincoln, and Woodrow Wilson, each had a VERY different experience with the press and each molded the way in which the current President treats the press - whoever that might be when you are reading this.


I based a lot of this on CLASH by historian Jon Marshall. Buy the book HERE.

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Episode 188: The End of the Borgia Age


Episode 187: Borgia High Tide