The Black Prince


We pick back up our Hundred Years War storyline in this episode. In the years after Crécy, Edward III was eager to pick up the war once more. However, as we know, the Black Death hit England in 1348. Once the plague moved on, though, Edward began launching new campaigns, eager for more glory. In 1356, Edward advanced into France using a three-prong approach. One of those three prongs were led by his son, Edward the Black Prince. He meets the French King, John II, at the Battle of Poitiers in 1356. This battle results in another English triumph with none other than King John himself taken captive. The French king in captivity, things spiral out of control quickly for the French.

Below I have posted a picture of Burgundian holdings around the time of the Hundred Years War for reference.

The Black Prince
Adam Walsh

"Murder In Macedon" for Free


Bonus: Modern Medicine and the Black Death